Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We are always on mission.
The "Mission" has always been the heart of Untethered Church.
We are driven by a passion for those who feel overlooked and unwanted. This world is filled with people who are hurt, lost, confused, and searching for hope.
Although we have a deep focus and investment in local missions, we also participate in mission work in Japan, Israel, the US prison system, a church planters group, and other work all over the world.
The "Mission" has always been the heart of Untethered Church.
We are driven by a passion for those who feel overlooked and unwanted. This world is filled with people who are hurt, lost, confused, and searching for hope.
Although we have a deep focus and investment in local missions, we also participate in mission work in Japan, Israel, the US prison system, a church planters group, and other work all over the world.

Join the mission
Untethered is committed to being the hands and feet of Christ in our community and around the world.
For information on upcoming activities click visit the Events & Opportunities page for details